/ PAST ACTIVITIES / flickr site /
BOX / contact: mail(at)unwetter.net |
2023 / 11 / 10 – 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM |
EXPERIMENT DAYS present: Discursive Picnic_Mayer Pavilion's Collectiveness in Space Friday, November 10, 18:30 – 20:00 Adlerhalle, Mehringdamm 20, behind LPG, S/W corner Blücher/Mehringdamm.We are invited, you are invited for a Discursive Picnic at an inner-city community-oriented development project, “Modellprojekt Rathausblock”. At Discursive Picnics everybody is guest and host at the same time. Bring ideas, art, works, projects, actions, publications, food, drinks and picnic utensils or come as you are. Unpack and pack: we are looking forward to seeing you! For an introduction to the "Modellprojekt Rathausblock", join the walking tour, 17:00 – 18:30, starting at Kiezraum (next door). |
2023 / 05 / 26 – 5 PM - 10:30 PM |
– A Symposium by Mayer Pavilion
2019 / 07 / 01 – 3 PM |
Discursive Picnic_HOCHsitz(en) on the roadside The Discursive Picnic was developed by the interdisciplinary UNWETTER collective for documenta11.
2013 / 09 / 15 – 2 PM |
2012 / 05 / 11 – 7 PM |
2011 / 03 / 18 – 4 PM |
2010 / 10 / 30 – 4 PM |
2010 / 08 / 15 – 3 PM |
Discursive Picnic_Never Ending Breakfast Mit Midori Mitamura at Sunday, 15 August 2010, 3 pm at Berlin + Tokyo Communication-Art, Freies Museum, Berlin, Potsdamer Str. 91 · Berlin (Eine Kooperation des KUNSTFAKTOR e.V. mit der Art Mama Company Tokyo) |
2010 / 07 / 22 – 7 PM |
Thursday, 22 July 2010, 7 - 10 pm
2010 / 07 / 04 – 4 PM |
Discursive Picnic_Bonus Woche Albertinum, Dresden, Kunst von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart Anlässlich der Wiedereröffnung des neuen Albertinums laden wir Dresdner OFF-Räume, soziale Initiativen, Kunstinteressierte und Passanten ein, zwischen den deutschen Impressionisten Max Liebermann, Max Slevogt und Lovis Corith ihre Projekte, Aktionen, Speisen und Picknick-Utensilien auszupacken, auszutauschen und weiterzuentwickeln: wir sind eingeladen/ihr seid eingeladen! So., 4. Juli 2010, 14 – 16 Uhr im Albertinum EINTRITT FREi! |
2010 / 06 / 3 – 3 PM |
Discursive Picnic_ALL YOU CAN EAT
2009 / 08 / 30 – 4 PM |
Discursive Picnic_One-Day Atelier Monbijou Park
2009 / 07 / 12 – 2 PM |
Discursive Picnic_Thai Massage
Under Construction – Transformation in Zeiten der Krise (BUKO32) 21. – 24. Mai 2009, Lüneburg Workshop "... pick up your posters: Die weiße Wand der Universität" eingeladen vom Archiv für Kultur & Soziale Bewegung (--> http://www.buko.info/programm/workshops/ --> http://www.archiv.glizz.net/) |
2009 / 04 / 05 – 3 PM |
Discursive Picnic_ Aufwachen, 5th April 2009, 3-6pm, Haus am Waldsee. You/we are invited to a Discursive Picnic in the exhibition "Aufwachen", as a guest, as a host. On the platform, on the blanket, on the floor. Bring, give, take, share ideas, food, talk.
2008 |
The Publication pöpp68 - participation objections anyhow of the exhibition project privat öffentlich persönlich politisch inNeue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Berlin, and the conference on Participation at the Akacemie der Künste Berlin in 2008 comes with texts and interviews referring to UNWETTER’s practice by and with Christophe Kotányi, Raimar Stange, Benno Gammerl, Ulrike Solbrig and Jole Wilcke (--> Catalog excerpt: PDF) |
2008/10/12 2008/10/11 |
artist-run initiatives and internationional Exchange |
2008 / 09 /25 – 2 pm |
Discursive Picnic_10th Anniversary of the Russian Market in Memory of Ellisif Wessel |
2008 / 09 / 04 – 8 am – 4 pm |
Discursive Picnic_8 Hours Don't Make a Day, Thursday September 4th, 2008 from 8 am till 4 pm at Alexanderplatz – between exit U2 (in front of Saturn at Alex) and the Fountain of the Friendship between Peoples with Matthias Krause and Patrick Gardener. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2008 / 07 / 20 – 3 PM |
UNWETTER è un collettivo di artisti/e, curatori/trici, attivisti/e e teorici/he che invitano a Picnic Discorsivi, sviluppando processi di scambio reciproco, combinando contesti disparati. UNWETTER sind KünstlerInnen, KuratorInnen, AktivistInnen und TheoretikerInnen, die als Basisformat für ihre Arbeit Diskursive Picknicks vorschlagen. Damit verbinden sie verschiedene Kontexte und stellen einen fortlaufenden Prozess des wechselseitigen Austausches her / UNWETTER is a collective of artists, curators, activist and theorists, that uses the Discursive Picnic as basic format to develop processes of reciprocal exchange. Lungomare Gallery / via Rafensteinweg 12, 39100 Bolzano-Bozen, Italy / T +39 0471 053636 / www.summerdrafts.wordpress.com / www.lungomare.org / MANIFESTA7 / info{at}lungomare.org / |
2007 / 11 / 15 – 7 pm |
The 2007 Almanac of Political Art Following an open call for A4 contributions to the first Almanac of Political Art, over 80 people responded from all over the world with images, statements, drawings and projects. During a live editing day on 30 June 2007 at the Austrian Cultural Forum, London, Sophie Hope, three guest editors (Leigh French, Adam Jeanes and Simona Nastac), a production team (Valentina Gottardi, Ann Harezlak and Lucy Parker) and a live participating audience discussed the contributions and compiled as many copies of the Almanac as they could on the day. Every contributor received a copy and now the Almanac is available for download! http://www.reunionprojects.org.uk/SeasonsCrop.html) |
THE third annual alt.SPACE FESTIVAL, took place in July 2007 in and around London, in host venues as well as in public space. Within the context of an overall engagement with the notion of 'the revolutionary & the radical' the festival was an attempt to highlight the increasing number of self-organized collaborative structures that operate within the field of cultural production, particularly those that explicitly address issues of collectivity and collective learning as an alternative to institutional research and educational structures. |
2007 / 06 / 23 – 3 PM |
On the Peri-ferry: Discursive Riverside Picnic at the Hinterland project in Nottingham. On Sunday 24 June 2007 at 3 pm.
2007 / 05 / 06 – 12 pm |
2007 / 04 / 17 – 3 PM |
2006 |
Discursive Ringbahn_Picnic, Berlin, Picnic on Berlin's circle-line and its periferry. In cooperation with, amongst others. "C.CRED" [Collective CREative Dissent] now called "the alt.SPACE Network". |
2007 / 11 / 26 - 3 pm |
Satellite Picnics_Vilnius, Tales of the Travel Journal vol. I Center of Contemporary Art Vilnius, Sunday 26 November, 2 pm, in collaboration with CAC TV http://www.cac.lt/en.php/exhibitions/future/catherine/tales_from_the_travel_journal_vol_i/2957 http://www.undo.net/cgi-bin/undo/pressrelease/pressrelease.pl?id=1164484176&day=1163718000
UNWETTER lecture at 'meet the collectives, neunplus, Berlin (UNWETTER talked for the first time ever on its uses of photography: How to use a picture not as end, but as a means. How to connect different sites, moments and forms of production through photography. How photography functions in a group's practice that is not a 'photographers collective' etc. If you had joined us you could have taken some pictures!) http://www.neunplus.com/collective.htm |
2007 / 10 / 01 – 3 PM |
Sparwasser HQ presents: |
2006 / 04 / 05 – 12:30 pm |
”´Discursive Picnic´ - "Collective Curating in an Extended Field” – lecture at " Collective Curating " Aarhus Denmark |
"Walk-Talk-Eat-TalkSomeMore" Experimental Hybrid, April 2006 Co-organized by: C.CRED & BASEKAMP Walk-Talk-Eat-TalkSomeMore is a multi-city, multi-day project in and between London, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Malmö, Portland, Stockholm, Tallinn, Berlin and San Francisco. The project is an experimental hybrid of similar work by Ccred & the 16 beavergroup (Counter Cartographies, Alt.Space), BASEKAMP & The Institute for Advanced Architecture (Evident Use), 0009 (platial) and the Bureau of Research into Post Autonomy. The idea behind this series of events is to link a number of different cities in a critical dialogue around the very lose notion of "post-autonomy" and the more specific theme: how can we construct a practice in the discursive space of post-autonomy? The program includes three interlinked components: a collective counter.cartography walk through our different contexts; an alt.space meal (supper, dinner, luncheon) taking place in our different cities and linking us through the questions we pose to one another; and a concluding discussion taking the form of a web-cast linking us in real-time dialogue. Participating groups / cities: 0009 / Portland http://www.0009.org 16Beavergroup / New York http://www.16beavergroup.org/) Anabela Zigova / New York BASEKAMP / Philadelphia http://www.basekamp.com/) Bureau for Research into Post-Autonomy / London http://www.postautonomy.co.uk Ccred / London http://www.altspace.info Center for Getting Ugly / Tampa http://www.commonplacesproject.org/forum3/upload Felicity Coleman / Melbourne Institute for Advanced Architecture / New York office http://www.advancedarchitecture.or) Lumpen / Chicago http://www.lumpen.com Mess Hall / Chicago http://www.messhall.org/ Red 76 / San Francisco http://www.red76.com Signal / Malmo http://www.signal-galleri.org UNWETTER / Berlin http://www.un-wetter.net Visual Arts Dept, Kennesaw University / Atlanta http://www.kennesaw.edu/visual_arts/BIOs/moore.shtml Actually ongoing: http://platial.com/map/BASEKAMP-s-WALK-TALK-EAT-TALK/3024 |
2005 / 10 / 30 – 3 PM |
Discursive Picnic_on the margins of the 50-years-documenta conference, 30. Oktober 2005 Publikation: documenta zwischen Inszenierung und Kritik - 50 Jahre documenta, (Hg.) von Stengel, Karin / Radeck, Heike / Scharf, Friedhelm, Hofgeismar 2007 http://www.buchhandel.de/detailansicht.aspx?isbn=978-3-89281-252-4 |
2005 / 10 / 04 – 3 PM |
UNWETTER Lecture_Mobility, Mobility Art in the Urban Environment, Urban Intervention workshop - MOBILITY in Liverpool, September 2005 coordinated by Cecilia Anderson, WERK http://www.ruc.com/werk Workshop, 2 3 September, Liverpool, England. The workshop looked for possible strategies for working in a constantly changing urban environment. |
The alt.SPACE Festival 2005, UNWETTER Lecture_Phylogenesis operacija:grad, The alt.SPACE Free Bar: Operation: City / Urban Festival, ex-factories Badel and Gorica, Zagreb, Croatia. Organised by C.CRED [Collective CREative Dissent] now called the alt.SPACE Network, based in London. http://www.altspace.info/blog/archives/12 http://www.hurbanfestival.hr |
2005 |
Discursive Picnic_Situation, Situation: Collaborations, Collectives and Artists Networks from Sydney Singapore Berlin, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney |
Curating Degree Zero Archive Touring exhibition of an expanding archive, participation since Lüneburg, Germany http://www.curatingdegreezero.org/) Presentation at Sparwasser HQ ) |
2004/12/18 |
Discursive Picnic_INTERVENING THE URBAN VOID, PSWR Amsterdam, Netherlands You are, we are invited to join the DISCURSIVE PICINC at Public Space With A Roof - on the floor, on the blanket. Be a guest, be a host. IDEAS. FOOD. TALK. Bring, give, take, share : food + thought. UNWETTER is an international, Berlin based group of artists, curators, critics, theorists and activists. The most important goal of PRESENTATIONS Universal Embassy Universal Embassy highlights the urgent situation of 'personnes sans papiers' (people without papers), and tries to help them overcome their social isolation. In 2001 the former Somalian Embassy in Brussels was squatted by 'personnes sans papiers' after Somalia lost state-status as a result of severe civil war in that country. Universal Embassy brings together individuals who suffer the discrimination of not belonging to a nation. Universal Embassy appoints its own diplomats and produces its own Universal passports. Mohamed Benzaouia is the first person to obtain a Belgian passport through the Universal Embassy, and he will tell his and the Embassy's story. Mohamed Benzaouia and Kobe Matthys presented the Universal Embassy, Brussels. http://www.universal-embassy.be |
2004 10/8/2004 10/6/2004 10/7/2004 10/5/2004 |
Discursive Camping _Dwelling on the move
Liverpool Biennial Independants 04, Liverpool, England Press relase: http://www.undo.net/cgi-bin/undo/pressrelease/pressrelease.pl?id=1096891572&day=1096927200 |
2004 |
Gentrified_Discursive Picnic Malmø THE PAVILION - a movable installation as a space to dwell on THE PAVILION unfolds its space between flexible architectural elements which host material collections as connections to other theoretical, historical and geographical fields and seductive interfaces like the offer of free tea, table tennis or a party. An assemblage of the VIDEO ATLAS will be the focus of attention of the installations in Malmö. During her fieldtrips in the last years, Dorothee Albrecht collected video-statements from groups, projects, collectives, all exploring non-academic or marginal areas of knowledge production. These include small try-outs, soft and delicate attempts, convincing and very professional strategies to build up own methods and channels, to challenge hegemonic world views. (Dorothee Albrecht) The Art(s) of HÔTE investigates the in/distinction of guest and host-states that are named by the French word l’hôte. (Duchamp: ‘a guest + a host = a ghost’). The project DRESS - THE SEASONS 1: Theory_to_go covers terrain from weatherconditions to processes of self-organization that come as fashions (Art of HÔTE-t-shirts, “I AM YOUR GHOST”-wearables, candy wraps). Everything in the world is doomed to decompose The project compares the production, harvest and transport of imported and autochthonous vegetables and makes their decompostition processes visible. How do differences, produced within a globalised economy, (de)materialize? (Benno Gammerl) A video work that will document the new flourishing of small scale farming in Berlin. It can be seen as an example of a world wide phenomenon of initiatives dealing with the economic crisis by being productive and forming social networks as well as building a public platform for cultural integration and exchange. (Ulrike Solbrig) Time to Market / Das Wetter erklären The project explores methods for the valuation of knowledge and information in the capitalist society. The re-organisation of knowledge in the global knowledge-based economy and its understanding of value-production: wealth of nations/weather of nations. (Jole Wilcke) List of the participants: Dorothee Albrecht, Mattias Arvastsson, Philipp Ekardt, Benno Gammerl, Anke Haarmann, Farida Heuck, Andrea Melloni, Emmanuel Nyberg, Miguel Rothschild, Simon Sheikh, Ira Schneider, Tejal Shah, David Sickinger, Ulrike Solbrig, Jole Wilcke, Christine Wolfe, Elena Zanichelli and further people and groups from Malmö and its surroundings. |
2004/04/03 |
Old Habits Die Hard - 50 videos selected by 50 artist-run-spaces and collectives a project by Sparwasser HQ |
2003/09/28 – 3 pm |
From September 28th – 30th, Unwetter will be in G. U. N.. The opening reception will be held on Sunday September 28th at 3 pm. with a Discursive Picnic, to which we invite all to bring food and refreshments. It will be followed by a film evening. The basic format of Unwetter is the Discursive Picnic which connects different contexts into an ongoing process of reciprocal exchange. the Discursive Picnic functions as a potluck, where everybody is both guest and host at the same time. We arrive, we unpack the Unwetter-Thermobox, we exchange, alter, repack and move on in different directions, to meet somewhere again. |
2003 |
Discursive Picnic_Sparwasser HQ, Berlin, Germany (Press release: http://www.undo.net/cgi-bin/undo/pressrelease/pressrelease.pl?id=1063298248&day=1063317600) (Review, TAZ, "Das Chaos des Wissens") UNWETTER Walk_Hike to the East, Hohenschönhausen, Berlin, Germany Commodified_Parasitic Picnic, am Weinbergsweg, Berlin Discursive Picnic_Landschaftspflegehof e. V Berlin Discursive Picnic_Dis-positiv Dis-positiv Staatsbank Berlin |
2002 |
- Discursive Picnic_Critical Studies, Academy of Fine Arts, Malmö, Sweden |
2002 / 06 / 11 am |
Discursive Picnic_Documenta11 Karlsaue, June 8, 11 am, Kassel, Germany |
2001 |
UNWETTER came out of Sarat Maharaj's Ideas Lab |