Yvette Brackman

Ingrid Book & Carina Hedén

Kristinn G. Harðarson

Geir Tore Holm

Suwan Laimanee

Charlotte Nilsen/ Feil Farge Produksjoner

Åsa Sonjasdotter

Field Work/ Nis Rømer & Lise Skou

YNKB in cooperation with Anja Franke/ InstantHERLEV institute

Elke Mohr & Ingeborg Lockemann with Cüneyt Varol

Schmuck2 e. V. with students of the jewelry department "Het Sieraad", Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam - Dovile Bernadisiute, Mio Fujimaki, Tamara Vierbergen, Jing He, Garam Jung, Laura Klinkenberg, Karoline Kvist, Giedre Lisauskaite, Veselina Popova, Bregje Sliepenbeck, Misato Unno and Eline Willemarck

Ulrike Solbrig

Article 6
The new sculpture by Yvette Brackman, titled Article 6 meditates on the significance of textiles in the Canandaigua Treaty of 1784 between the US government and the Iroquois Confederacy and how this relationship is upheld today.

In consideration of the peace and friendship hereby established, and of the engagements entered into by the Six Nations; and because the United States desire, with humanity and kindness, to contribute to their confortable support; and to render the peace and friendship hereby established strong and perpetual, the United States now deliver to the Six Nations, and the Indians of the other nations residing among, and united with them, a quantity of goods, of the value of ten thousand dollars. And for the same considerations, and with a view to promote the future welfare of the Six Nations, and of their Indian friends aforesaid, the United States will add the sum of three thousand dollars to the one thousand five hundred dollars heretofore allowed them by an article ratified by the President, on the twenty-third day of April, 1792, making the whole four thousand five hundred dollars; which shall be expended yearly, forever, in purchasing clothing, domestic animals, implements of husbandry, and other utensils, suited to their circumstances, and in compensating useful artificers, who shall reside with or near them, and be employed for their benefit. The immediate application of the whole annual allowance now stipulated, to be made by the superintendent, appointed by the President, for the affairs of the Six Nations, and their Indian friends aforesaid. - Canandaigua, NY 1794

Yvette Brackman collaborates with Sami artisans from Lovozero, who manufacture their shoes in a traditional fashion from the leather of their reindeer herds. This collaboration resulted in LUJA – partly an enterprise as a sculpture, partly a model of distribution and production of the LUJA crafts.

... is a sculpture about craft expertise and commerce; its elements are handcrafted objects, marketing and contracts. There are two spheres in the project. One is the idea of an enterprise as a sculpture, and these are the artworks including Company and The Catalyst both 2010. The other is the product development and distribution company that is a collective enterprise in collaboration with Norwegian curator Hilde Methi, the group of artisans from Lovozero, and Yvette Brackman.